By Bella Cannizzo

In a lot of ways, spring can be the best time to start a relationship. You got through the holidays, seasonal depression, and cold weather. Time for a new beginning that hopefully will last into summer.
This is what I was thinking, and so I convinced myself to go on a couple of dates with a guy. He brought me flowers on the first date right before we walked around Central Park. It was nice and sweet. I was trying to keep an open mind and go with the flow because I have not been on many dates. Things continued, more city trips and coffees. I began to let my guard down a bit.
We established the fact that we both were enjoying ourselves and wanted to see where things were going. And guess what, now, it is already over. A short month. Ended in miscommunication and angst. I guess I did not make it quite clear we were exclusive… bullshit.
Anyways, I wanted to write this article, not to tell that stupid story, that was just the backstory. But, to share a little advice. The point is, after this all happened, I told my friends “I am done with men.” It seems every time I open up to someone, I get hurt. Turns out that is the same for everyone. Everyone talks and dates so many people before they find someone who is worth sticking around.
So, this article is a reminder to keep looking and putting yourself out there. Every time dating someone does not work out, you learn from it. A person can be an opportunity for growth. At least that is how I am looking at it.