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Meet Elliot Page, Juno Star Comes Out as Trans

By David T. Valentin

Image Taken from Elliot Page's Twitter

In a touching letter posted on social media, the Oscar nominated star formerly known as Ellen page (she/her) has come out as transgender and has chosen the name Elliot Page (he/they).

“Hi friends, I want to share with you that I am trans, my pronouns are he/they and my name is Elliot,” he began. “I feel lucky to be writing this. To be here. To have arrived at this place in my life.”

The star, known for her role in Juno (2007) and more recently in the Netflix show The Umbrella Academy as Vanya Hargreeves, has been an active voice in the LGBTQ community, time and time again amplifying activist voices.

In 2014, Page came out as publicly gay and said, “I am tired of hiding, and I am tired of lying by omission. I suffered for years because I was scared to be out.”

And indeed, that pain echoes in his letter coming out as trans.

As Page notes, “I also ask for patience. My joy is real, but it is also fragile. The truth is, despite feeling profoundly happy right now and knowing how much privilege I carry, I am also scared. I’m scared of the invasiveness, the hate, the ‘jokes’ and of violence.”

Still, many have noted that Elliot Page is now an inspiration to many trans and nonbinary people, demonstrating that even in the face of adversity one can still overcome and succeed.

“He will now be an inspiration to countless trans and nonbinary people,” Nick Adams, the director of transgender media at GLAAD said.

And for those wondering whether Elliot Page will still continue to play Vanya Hargreeves, they will.

“Trans actors can and do play both trans and cisgender characters,” Nick Adams also said.

Netflix, and many internet websites referring to Elliot’s dead name, has sinced changed it accordingly.



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