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Bill and Ted’s Existential Adventure

By Lori Perkins

So after co-authoring a wild dystopian sci-fi novel with China Meiville that is currently charting the best-seller lists, Keanu Reeves decided it was time to tackle Broadway.  But unlike Robert Downey Jr (who is debuting this fall in McNeal, a new play by a Pulitzer-Prize-winning playwright), he has decided to appear in a weird classic – Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett.  And if that’s not enough icing on his cupcake, he has paired up with his co-star from his early days, Alex Winters, who he headlined with the cult classic Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure 35 years ago.

The revival is set to launch in the fall of 2025, but you better buy your tickets ASAP, because  they will sell out fast.

Jamie Llyod, one of the hottest Broadway directors of the moment, said the performance was Reeves’ idea.

In the play, Reeves will play Estragon and Winter will play Vladimir, who tease each other like old friends while waiting for the title figure, who never arrives. Reeves and Winters are perfect for these roles.

Llyod told The New York Times, “Their instant chemistry and their shorthand and their friendship is going to be so valuable. This is a very deeply complex play, as we all know, but it’s also a very funny play, and they’re very witty people and their shared sense of humor in those movies and in real life is going to be very beneficial to the production.”


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