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4/20 is a Day for Women to Celebrate

By Lori Perkins

With the legalization of marijuana in 17 states (as of today), 4/20 becomes more of national holiday than ever before (especially as we emerge from this depressing pandemic). But 4/20 has never focused on women, and women are changing the way this industry operates from Martha Stewart (she has a line of legal CBD gummies) to women-owned medical dispensaries that cater to breast cancer survivors (The Etienne chain) as well as just female owned and operated dispensaries (The Green Goddess in L.A.).

Cannabis pop culture in America has been traditionally male, so much so that when you think of stoner movies you will remember Dazed and Confused or Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle (which, BTW, is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year so maybe you might want to go to White Castle for 4/20?), but no one will even suggest you watch Saving Grace (about a widow who gets out of debt by growing pot) or binge Weeds (sequel series Weeds 4.20 is said to be in the works).

And while we wait for Snoop Dog and Martha Stewart to do their weed cookbook, or binge episodes of Bong Appetite or Cooking on High (yes, these are real cooking shows), you can buy cookbooks from the editors of Bong Appetite or Sweet Mary Jane by Karin Lazarus, who some have called the Martha Stewart of pot baking.

Legal weed is going to be a huge business for America post-pandemic and women should be leading the way, as the physical benefits of the drug on health and aging will be an important part of the business' growth (and a disproportionate amount of people over 65 are women). Just published is Getting Baked by Barb Webb, a compressive guide to understanding and growing cannabis and weed through the prism of sustainable living and wellness, kind of a contemporary Child’s Garden of Grass (shows you how old I am!). There is a female-focused weed business group This evening, A Massachusetts-based cannabis group for women investors is offering a women and weed business seminar at 6:00 ET. Here is the link,

And, of course, the sexual wellness benefits of marijuana are amazing for women, especially post-menopause. Perhaps I buried the lede? An article in (and many other women’s magazines) extols the virtues of using a marijuana laced lube with a vibrator for women, often with headlines like “I Had the Best Orgasm of My Life with….



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